Ice Maker Needed!

On April 7th my sissy Sarah turned 16. Every year sissy Sarah gets to pick what she wants to do for her birthday. Previous years she has either picked a small party of a few close friends or a mini vacation. Last year Ma took us girls to Nashville for a "girls getaway". This year sissy wanted to do something special since this was her sweet 16 party. 

Ma kept asking her what she wanted but sissy Sarah said she had a plan and would let her know when it was finalize. Ma pictured the bank machine shooting out money because when sissy says that it usually hits the pocketbook. 

Then one night on Facebook, ma got a invitation to a "sweet 16" pawty from sissy. When she clicked on the link to see what she was paying for , she was a little stunned. Sissy had planned a fundraiser pawty for all my fur friends at the Owensboro Humane Society. She had planned music, entertainment and had a huge guest list. The request was that every gift brought had to be something for the animals and the biggest request was money. Ma made a event photo to share so everyone that was invited could share with their friends. The public was invited. 
Dozer begged for people to come
With summer coming on my fur friends don't have air conditioning. In the mornings and early afternoons, they are put on tie outs while their kennels are being cleaned. They each have their own little pool to play and keep cool. 
They love their pools but pools can't be put in the kennels. 

Last year our ice maker constantly needed repair. Then this year we heard clunk, clunk , scooch, plunk and it was dead. The repairman came out , did some test and said it was not repairable. We have hobbled along for 2 yrs and  now we need a new one. The problem is the size we need cost about $2500! That is a lot of milk bone money for a Humane Society that runs on donations from the public only. 

Sissy Sarah's pawty raised $795.00 in cash and got donations of food, treats, office supplies and beds. But we need more money to buy the ice maker. With summers coming we need to get this ordered and fast. The days of 100 degree weather will be here soon. We use the ice in the water buckets to keep the water cool. If we don't add it , the water temperatures raise in the 80's and that isn't very refreshing. 

Gunner says Please Donate

"HOME" for my fur friends
If you would like to help, please click the donate button. Every bit helps! Please put IceMaker in the memo of the donation so we know that is what the funds go to or you can leave me a message and I will make sure it goes to the ice maker. 

I want to help my fur friends to stay cool. They don't have the pleasure of feeling the cold air that comes up from the floor like I do. Please help to make this summer a more pleasant one for my friends. I know they will appreciate it and so will I. 

When you click the donate button, it will take you to Paypal. All funds that are donated through this button goes straight to the Owensboro Humane Society. It does NOT come to me. You will get a receipt from the Owensboro Humane Society. 

The Owensboro Humane Society is a 501C (3) non profit, No kill facility in Owensboro Ky. Every dollar you give is tax deductible. All money raised goes to the care of the animals who are waiting for homes of their own. You can find out more about the OHS by visiting, if you would like to see where your money goes or know why I support this great facility. 

If you know a company that sells ice makers wholesale or give discount to non profit organizations ,please let me know how to contact them. I would appreciate it. 

Thank you in advance for your donation, sharing this post, and taking to time to read my blog. If you have any problems or questions, please feel free to contact me 

1 comment:

  1. Carma, what a good cause...we will have to visit and make a donation.


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