WW- Molly Mew Wants a #Sealy Bed


 Aw, I have big bed all to myself, just like it should be


Time for little cat nap


Is that silly Scooby thinking he is going to get on THIS bed?


Oh, hi mom. 


Scooby you come up here and I will claw your eyes out


OH NO, You just didn't do what I said NOT to do!!




 If he had a tail he would have ran away with it between his legs. 


I dream of a day when I have a bed this comfy


Sealy, when you gonna make a kitty bed?? 
Molly Mew


Dear Readers, 
I would like to tell you about my new Sealy Dog Bed.
I LOVE it!! 
 my old bed wasn't supportive enough,
 I would get too hot and ended up on the hardwood floor,
 I was always tired from lack of sleep from trying to get comfortable ,
I limped in the mornings because my hips hurt and Scooby slept ON me 
I stay cool, I sleep like a puppy and Scooby sleeps BESIDE me now. 
I wake up feeling refreshed and not dog tired.
I want to play more often .
 I feel like I do a better job at being a medical alert
service dog.  
Now that I have more energy , I am more alert to Ma. 

My siblings and I , all are enjoying this bed because I love sharing with them. 

Thank you Sealy Dog Beds for making a high quality bed and for choosing me for the 
#CareforDogs Fundly Campaign. I am truly honored.
Thank you to everyone who donated to the fundly campaign !

Sealy Dog Beds are Poodale Approved

If you would like more information about Sealy Dog Beds ,please visit their links below. 
Tell them Carma Poodale sent you! 
For purchasing a bed visit- Sealy Dog Bed 
*I was not paid to talk about this Sealy dog bed but I was chosen for the #CareForDogs campaign . My friends donated towards the #CareforDogs campaign so I could have this bed and I received the bed for free because of them. I want to thank everyone who shared the links that spoke about the campaign on Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites. I was not asked by anyone to give a positive review of this bed. The words written are MY opinions. *
Thank you to my dear friend ,Pepperpom , for being my host for this campaign. If you would like to read what she wrote about me please visit her blog. You can find the article Here


  1. Carma - it is so great you were able to get the bed - I missed your appeal (Mum ran away to Europe!) Thank you everyone and we sure as heck will go and follow Sealy!

    1. Your mum needed a getaway. I hope she had a pawtastic time.

  2. Good beds are worth fighting for!

  3. Awww -- so very nice of your friends to help you get this lovely bed. I am sad to see Scooby get bumped out --- it happens to me a lot with my pain in the hind brother Monkey!!!!!!

    1. Don't worry Scooby does get to lay on it. Molly Mew and him thinks its a wrestling ring. It has padded sides and is bouncy. Ma caught them snuggling on it this morning.

  4. So glad to hear you got that bed! My sister Katie might benefit from a bed like that but at least lately, she is sleeping all night on the bed she has rather than the floor. She is almost twelve and has arthritis pretty bad. Being on a good bed has to be better for the body! Congratulations to you!

    1. Thank you Emma. Sleeping on a hard floor is ok for naps but not all night, I definitely get better sleep now.
      Wednesdays wags

  5. Awesome Carma! A good bed makes all the difference in the world.

    1. Yes it does and the older we get the more support we need. Hope you are having a pawtastic day. Wednesdays wags

  6. Oh Carma, I am so GLAD you are enjoying your Sealy Dog Bed and that it is helping you get more rest so you can do a top-notch job helping your mom! It is very nice of you to share too...though it seems like Molly Mew may think that bed is hers. Be careful!
    *Cairn cuddles*

    1. Molly Mew is a kitten and you know cats, they think they own EVERYTHING.
      Scooby and her has the best time wrestling, playing tag, jumping off and on it together. Molly likes that she can hide on the side and tag Scooby in the bed. They are entertaining to watch.
      Wednesdays wags

  7. Glad you got such a wonderful bed...looks super comfy and supportive! Hope you don't end up having to share it with Molly too often! Cats tend to try to take over so watch out!

  8. So glad the bed is helping you get restive sleep so you can do your job better :)

  9. Wow that bed looks comfy! Mom thinks maybe that's what I could use too! Poor Scooby, but Molly Mew did warn him!

  10. Scooby was so brave! See you soon at BlogPaws!!

  11. I love that bed. I have such a dog bed fetish (in a totally non kinky way) and so want that one. In fact, I NEED it!

  12. That bed looks really pawsome Molly Mew! I can't blame you for wanting it all to yourself. Carma is a very lucky poodale :)

  13. Panky: DaMa wundering da same ting as Molly Mew - when dey gonna make a bed fur us kittehs,er, Panfurs!!!! Don't know how dat size bed wood fit upon our nap perches.Ya know wez Mancats likey ta sleeps,er,POWER NAP in high places. MOL
    Iz purring dat Missy Carma likey herz her bed. She gotta haf gud sleeps to keeps dat floofy tails wagging.
    Panfur Purrs

  14. What a great bed. I envy you LOL.


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