Look What A Fabulous Friend Did For Me!

I am feeling so special right now. If you follow me on Facebook, you saw I received a swag bag from the Blogpaws conference yesterday.
poodle smelling the Blogpaws bag

I couldn't figure out how I won it since I thought I won a 6 pk of canned dog food instead but I just found out that I DIDN'T WIN it at all.

My dear friends, Luna and Jessica from Beagles and Bargains won the bag but asked Blogpaws to send it to me instead. They were sad that we didn't get to see each other at the conference. I was so sad that I was unable to attend but with Ma having medical tests done and previous medical bills coming in, it just wasn't in the cards for us to go financially.
I can't tell you how honored, special and downright grateful I feel to have friends like them.
*wipes tears of happiness*
Molly the kitten in the Blogpaws swag bags

poodle and chihuahua sitting by treats

I can't thank them enough for their gracious gift. I just know that I feel really special for having them as friends. They bring a smile to my face.
If you don't follow Beagles and Bargains on Facebook, please do. I would love if you stopped by their page and told them, thank you for me. She is also on Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. 
CarmaPoodale, white standard poodle smiling for the camera

I just know that I love my friends and they sure love me. I can't wait to see them in person to thank her. This meant the world to me.

I was at Blogpaws 2014 conference, sorta. My friend, Emmy took my photo which is known as a Flat Pet to Vegas with her and I sure look like I was having a great time!
You can see my adventures, thanks to Emmy on Pinterest. Flat Carma at Blogpaws14 
View all the great photos that she took of the conference on her Pinterest board- Emmy The Pet Sitter 

I am really blessed to have wonderful friends. 
I look forward to seeing them all in person soon. 
Next year Blogpaws is in NASHVILLE , TN! 
I have already bought my tickets!!! 

Blogpaws bloggers will be in Nashville Tenn.


  1. that is the most PAWESOME thing EVER!!!!!!! xoxoxoxo to you both!

  2. How sweet! Luna and Jessica are great!

  3. What great friends.

  4. Oh Carma we were so happy to do it! I hope you all enjoy all the goodies! We are so excited to see you in Nashville next year. We are planning to road trip so Luna can come too!


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